Rabu, 08 Juni 2011

USG Portable ,Carewell C-6

Brand : Carwell
Type: C-6
Manufacturer : China.
Condition ; new 100 %.
Guarantee : 1 Year.

Ready Stock.

- Application of FPGA& SMT technology, reliable performance
- Dynamic frequency imaging
- Multistage focusing
- Aperture control
- Multi-frequency (4-frequency)
- High sensitivity probe contributes to high resolution images
- Applicable to abdominal, ObGyn, urological and small parts diagnosis
- Cine-loop & permanent image storage

Price : Rp 26.000.000,-  

Untuk Keterangan Lebih Lanjut dan perkembangan stock terkini silahkan Kunjungi Showroom kami, atau  silahkan Hubungi 081280588881

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

USG Mobile : Toshiba Sonolayer SSA-90 A

Brand. : Toshiba

Model: Sonolayer V SSA-90A

Probe : Jantung

Negara Asal: Japan.

Kondisi alat : Second,siap pakai,Ready Stock.

Harga: Rp. 15.000.000,-

USG Portable, Medison SA-600

Brand: Medison
Model: SA-600
Power: 100 - 240 V
(Netz) : 1.0 - 0.5 A 50/60 Hz.
Probe: Konvex 
Manufactured: Medison Co.Ltd.

Kondisi alat : Second,berfungsi dengan baik,siap pakai & ready stock 2 Unit.
Harga : Rp. 33.000.000,-

Hubungi kami  Untuk perkembangan Stock terkini : 081280588881.

USG Portable ALOKA SSD-500

Brand: Aloka
Model: SSD -500
Serial No: 21M12198
Power: 200/240 V ,50/60 Hz,160 V/A
Input: 100 - 120 V
200- 240
Fuse: T. 3.0 A /250 V
T.1.6 A/250 V

Kondisi alat : Second,berfungsi dengan baik, Probe Linear.
Harga: Rp. 35.000.000

USG, Aloka SSD-1100 , Flexus


Brand : Aloka Japan.

Type: Flexus SSD-1100
Probe: - Convex 3.5 Mhz.,Transvaginal
Printer: Sony ( B/W)
Condition : Second (Fully Working)
Guarantee: 5 Months
Price : Rp. 75.000.000,-
Ready Stock.

USG Portabel GE-Logiq 50

Brand: General Electric.
Manufacturer:  GE- USA
Type: Logic-50
Probe: Linear
USG Trolly
Condition : Second , Excellent, Ready to use.
Ready Stock.
Guarantee: 6 Months.

Harga  : Rp. 25.000.000 (Tidak Termasuk Printer)
Hubungi kami  Segera : 081280588881

USG Mobile, ESAOTE, Megas, Italy

Brand : ESAOTE
Type : Megas
Manufactured : Italy
Condition Second
Probe : Convex + Sternum
Guarantee : 4 Months
Ready stock : 1 unit

Price : Rp 85.000.000,-